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Quality Policy

SMART Construction & Management Service Centre is provide the construction & management service involved in Piping Systems and it related industries.


The Quality Policy SMART Construction & Management Service Centre  is to provide quality products and services at every phase of activity that meet customer requirement and satisfaction.



In pursuance of this policy and the Quality Policy Statements of                                                                                                                       SMART Construction & Management Service Centre  are : 


1. We shall supply quality products and services that are delivered on time and within budget.


2. We committed to provide experience and qualified lead personals with good practice to involve in our activities.


3. We are committed to continuously improve our product quality through implementation of efficient quality system conforming to the requirement of the relevant standard.


4. All our activities shall be conducted in a manner, which safeguard the Health, Safety and Welfare of all persons and preserves the natural Environment, as far as practicable..

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